Resources / Family Stories

Family Story Non-Verbal to Musical Theatre Star Performer Annelise DiPaola

In October 2008, after much convincing from Mom, Annelise’s Paediatrician initiated a referral to the York Region Preschool Speech & Language Program (YRPSLP). Annelise had started to talk, but then stopped.

Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Sun-DiPaola received a phone call from Early Intervention Services (EIS). Annelise’s Intake Forms raised red flags for Autism and EIS wanted to meet. Mrs. Sun-DiPaola, initially in denial, resisted. In December 2008, Mrs. Sun-DiPaola finally went in for a brief screening and met a wonderful Early Interventionist, Michelle. Screening results found that Annelise was “play” delayed.

Between January and February 2009, Annelise had a speech and language assessment with YRPSLP and she was in fact delayed and eligible for a Development Assessment and Consultation Services (DACS) assessment.

While the DiPaola Family waited for their DACS assessment, they started speech-language therapy. Due to scheduling conflicts, Mrs. Sun-DiPaola could not commit to More Than Words® (The Hanen Program® designed specifically for parents of children ages 5 and under on the autism spectrum providing tools, strategies and support needed to help their children reach their full communication potential). Instead, Annelise started one-on-one speech-language therapy with SLP, Liz. Annelise also started private speech-language therapy in Newmarket, and even had a few group sessions with EIS.

After her DACS assessment in January 2010, Annelise was diagnosed High Functioning on the Autism Spectrum.

Mrs. Sun-DiPaola attended TalkAbility™ (The Hanen Program® for Parents of Verbal Children on the Autism Spectrum). Lanni was the SLP leading the program, who also happened to be the SLP that was part of Annelise’s DACS assessment in January 2010. Lanni recommended that Annelise participate in acting/drama for continued therapy reasons.

Annelise was discharged in JK. Mrs. Sun-DiPaola recalls how difficult it was for her to lose the support of the amazing service providers she met along the way.

So, Mrs. Sun-DiPaola (and another Mom, also an Audiologist) committed to helping other families of highly verbal kids with ASD connect after TalkAbility® by starting the York Region Parent Connection Facebook Group (and the private group called YR Social Club within). The group continues to grow strong with many active members!

Mrs. Sun-DiPaola acted on the suggested recommendations and now, at age 10, Annelise’s Biography says it all:

Annelise is 10 years old and this is her first year with The Unionville Theatre Company and it has been truly an amazing experience, she is loving it! Annelise was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at the age of 3, and non-verbal until the age of 4. Annelise was quickly introduced to dance, acting and singing at a young age for socialization purposes. Acting/Drama also teaches her about expression, feelings, role modeling and understanding different characters – something children with ASD have a difficult time with. Annelise has grown to love the stage and she is super excited to be in her very first production. Break a leg Annelise!!

When Mrs. Sun-DiPaola was approached about doing a feature on how drama has been a positive experience for her daughter, she spoke with Annelise. Mother and daughter talked about back when Annelise was 2 years old and was in speech therapy because she couldn’t speak, and how hard it was for the whole family. Mrs. Sun-DiPaola recalls a time it was hard for her to imagine Annelise ever speaking; never fathoming singing and acting. Mrs. Sun-DiPaola told Annelise that if they could help any family see the potential their child could have, then it’s worth it. Annelise agreed!!

Annelise is now performing in Ian Fleming’s Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at Flato Markham Theatre, presented by Unionville Theatre Company (not-for-profit organization). Here is a link about the show from the Markham Review: (coming February 23-26’2017).

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