Program Information
About the Infant Hearing Program

Hearing children develop speech and language by listening and imitating those around them. When there is a hearing loss, these skills are delayed. Nearly four in 1000 babies are born deaf or hard of hearing and more children develop hearing loss as they grow. The Tri-Regional Infant Hearing Program (IHP) focuses on identifying these children as early as possible and providing intervention and follow-up services to support the healthy development of the preschool child.
Funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, and offered through Oak Valley Health and our partner agencies, the program offers hearing screening, assessment, family support and communication development services to help them achieve their optimal potential.
The Tri-Regional Infant Hearing Program serves children aged birth to grade one entry who have an identified permanent hearing loss. The geographical areas served include York and Durham Regions, Peterborough, Northumberland and Haliburton Counties and the City of Kawartha Lakes.